Statutes of the Chinese Minigolf Promotion Committee

2020-04-14 10:31:47 root 21

Statutes of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee

(January 1, 2020)

Chapter I  General Regulations

Art.1 The Chinese Minigolf Promotion Committee (herein after referred to as the "Committee") is a national Minigolf promotion organization established under the leadership of the General Administration of Public Sports Guidance Center (hereinafter referred to as "PSGC") in accordance with the requirements of GASC,China(GASC).

Art.2 The purpose of the Committee is to abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, observe social morality, consciously strengthen the building of integrity and self-discipline, promote and develop Minigolf sport, unite and organize Minigolf players and workers, and improve techniques and study of Minigolf, and serve to the national fitness plan and establishment of a harmonious society.

Art.3 The Committee follows the guidance of PSGC of GASC, and is under its supervision.

Art.4 The constituent units of the Committee are PSGC of GASC, sports management and guidance agencies of provinces and local governments, sports education and scientific research institutions, related associations, media and publicity organizations, other relevant individuals and enterprises in the society.

Art.5 Minigolf is a sport suitable for men and women of all ages. The Committee promotes Minigolf among people of different races in all regions in China.

Art.6 The logo, banner, slogan, theme song and related brands of the Committee are protected by law.

Art.7 The Committee is a non-profit organization that promotes Minigolf in the country. The expenses of the Committee will be strictly implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.

Chapter II: Job Duties

Art.8 Implement the national policies, and be responsible for the development and popularization of Minigolf.

Art.9 Study and formulate the guidelines, policies and plans for the development of Minigolf, and standardize the organization and development plans of Minigolf in all parts of the country.

Art.10 Manage and organize various national Minigolf events and competitions to promote Minigolf in China.

Art.11 Responsible for the development of Minigolf standards and the training of professional instructors. Study and introduce the sports standard system of the World Minigolf Federation.

Art.12 Carry out scientific research and academic discussion of Minigolf.

Art.13 Study and introduce the equipment and equipment standards of the World Minigolf Federation, develop China's Minigolf equipment, formulate Minigolf equipment standards, promote and develop Minigolf industry.

Art.14 Organize and implement the evaluation and commendation activities in Minigolf sport.

Art.15 Represent China by participating in and organizing international, national and, regional Minigolf competitions, sports communication, and cooperations.

Art.16 Responsible for communication with International Minigolf Organizations and applying for the membership of the World Minigolf Sport Federation.

Art.17 Responsible for the formation of national teams and participation in Minigolf events and activities organized by international sport organizations.

Art.18 Entrust capable units to assist the Committee in its daily work.

Art.19 Undertake related tasks entrusted by government departments or relevant units.

Art.20 Coordinate with China Anti-Doping Center to implement anti-doping in Minigolf, purify sports, say no to doping, and maintain a fair and just playing environment.

Art.21 Support the strategic planning and reforming approaches written in the olympic Agenda 2020, and enhance the value of the olympics.

Chapter III: Organization

Art.22 The composition plan of the Committee is reviewed and approved by the PSGC.

Art.23 The Committee shall have one Chairman, one to five Deputy Directors, one Secretary General, and one to four Deputy Secretary Generals. The directors, deputy directors, and the general secretary are generally headed by the leaders of the PSGC and relevant responsible individuals. Other members are generally headed by the corporate leaders related to Minigolf sports and sports industry experts.

Art.24 The Committee has a secretariat (that is, the executive committee, which is responsible for the regular work of the Committee, the coordination of the work of special committees and the management of special affairs); the sports and competition committee (responsible for sports, competitions and anti-doping, etc.); technology and training committee (responsible for the formulation and supervision of rules, standards and systems); youth committee (responsible for the development of youth sports and the training of national team); publicity committee (responsible for media publicity and marketing); legal affairs committee (responsible for the Committee’s legal affairs, sports and competition legal affairs, and supervision of all members for violations of regulations and discipline). The main heads of various departments are held by sport industry professionals. The detailed work responsibilities of each committee are specified separately.

Art.25 All members shall actively participate in the work of the Committee, and those who do not perform their duties and do not participate in the Committee activities for more than three times without reason shall be dismissed after approval of the PSGC. Changes in the work units and positions of members (see "Art. 4") should be reported to the PSGC in a timely manner and PSGC will review  them to determine whether they are eligible for continued membership.

Art.26 Minors under the age of 18 shall not be allowed to serve on the Committee.

Chapter IV: Working Procedures

Art.27 The Committee shall, in accordance with the requirements of the PSGC, formulate the work plan and programs, which shall be implemented after approval of the PSGC. The departments under the Committee formulate their own work plans and programs, which will be implemented after being approved by the Committee.

Art.28 Rules, regulations, standards, technical specifications and other contents promulgated by the Committee shall be reported to the PSGC for approval.

Art.29 The Committee generally holds an annual meeting, which is convened by the Secretariat (executive committee) to summarize the work of the previous year, arrange the plan for the next year, and check the use of funds. The executive committee may convene special meetings on an ad hoc basis. Semi-annual meetings may be held if necessary, and ad hoc plenary meetings may be proposed in special cases.

Art.30 The Committee reports its work to the PSGC in writing once a year.

Chapter V: Funding

Art.31 The funding of the Committee is provided by:

(1) Operating expenses provided by the PSGC

(2) Public fund of Sports lottery

(3) Income from competition activities.

(4) Market development and social sponsorship.

(5) Funds provided by cooperative units.

(6) Other income.

Art.32 The funds of the Committee are used in the following areas:

(1) Funds for committee meetings, competitions, training and other activities.

(2) The normal operating expenses of the Committee.

Art.33 The expenses of the Committee shall comply with the relevant financial and system requirements and procedures of the PSGC.

Art.34 The Secretary-General of the Committee shall appoint someone to manage the funds. The budget and final accounts are reviewed by the Committee and executed by the Secretary-General. The income and expenditure shall be reported to the PSGC in writing every year.

Art.35 The Committee may entrust a qualified cooperation unit to assist the Committee in carrying out its daily work. The unit shall provide the Committee with the necessary office space, office funds and office conditions, and send a special person to assist the Secretary-General in his work.

Chapter VI: Supplementary Provisions

Art.36 Each department under the Committee may, in accordance with all the terms hereby, formulate the working rules of each department to specific conditions of its profession.

Art.37 The interpretation of the terms is the responsibility of the PSGC.

Art.38 For matters not covered here, the Committee shall make a decision accordingly.

Art.39 These terms shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.