Practice rules for the Selection of National Minigolf Team Players and Coaches (Trial)

2020-04-08 15:11:39 root 6

In order to regulate the supervision and management of the selection of chief referees and regular referees for the National Games, National Minigolf Championships, and other Minigolf events, and make sure that the selection of the chief referees and regular referees are more open and transparent, to help referee's adjudication work fair and equitable, according to the "National Sports Competition Referee Selection, Supervision and Management Measures" and the Ti Dang Zi (2014) No. 62 document, we stipulate these detailed implementation rules.


Term 1. The China Minigolf Promotion Committee shall sign the “Responsibility Letter for Anti-Corruption and Fair Participation” with the participating provinces, autonomous regions, and municipal sports bureaus before the National Comprehensive Games.


Term 2. We will give full play to the role of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, to strengthen the supervision and management of the referees of the competition. According to the charter of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, we will improve the organization, construction and working system of the Sports Committee, and set up the Standing Committee for Adjudication or Executive Committee of the Competition Referee of the Sports and Competition.


Term 3. Under the guidance and supervision of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, the Standing Committee for Adjudication shall, in accordance with these measures, put forward recommendations for the management of training, selection, management, assessment, rewards and punishment of referees and report to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, and can only implement it after collective discussion and approval from the China Minigolf Promotion Committee.


Term 4. The referees referred to in these measures include members of the competition arbitration committee, technical representatives, chief referees, deputy referees, regular referees, etc.


Term 5 Principles for Selection of Chief referees


(I) Principle of Openness:


Before the important national competitions are held, the China Minigolf Promotion Committee requires the Standing Committee for Adjudication to study and formulate the referee selection method and announce it for implementation. The referees to be selected will be announced before the competition.


(II) Principle of Merit Selection:


According to the significance of the competition, priority is given to the ones who have high-level technical skills, good professional ethics, good reputation, and no significant misjudgments or omissions, etc. in their previous important competitions.


 (III) Principle of Avoidance:


If one third of the participating units make withdrawal requests to the announced chief referee, they shall not be appointed as referees.


(IV) Principle of Proximity:


In the event of holding a comprehensive Minigolf and other sports events, under the same conditions, the nearest referees near to the location of the event shall be put in the priority.


Term 6 Referee Selection Process


(I)The Standing Committee for Adjudication of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee proposes the level, standards, conditions and procedures for referees, and recommends members of the arbitration committee, technical representatives, general (deputy) referees, regular referees, etc.,and reports to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval.


(II) Each provincial and city level participating unit can recommend chief referees to the Standing Committee for Adjudication.


(III)The Standing Committee for Adjudication review the referees recommended by each unit (from provinces or cities), and submit the list of selected referees to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval. The Standing Committee for Adjudication may add a small number of selections in addition to the selections recommended by various units (from provinces or cities).


(IV)The Standing Committee for Adjudication of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee will announce the referee list to be selected for each event.


(V)Each participating unit shall submit an opinion on the released list, and may conditionally remove some referees on the list.


(VI)The referees who are approved shall sign the “Promise of Honesty, Self-discipline and Fair Judgment”agreement with the China Minigolf Promotion Committee before the game, so as to achieve strict self-discipline, abide by law, and impartially adjudicate.


Term 7 Supervision of Referees' Work


(I)Technical representatives, arbitrators, chief (deputy) referees, are organized separately by experts appointed by the China Minigolf Promotion Committee. The China Minigolf Promotion Committee will supervise the referee's ruling process, and make relevant recommendations to the Standing Committee for Adjudication in a timely manner. After the end of the competition, the Standing Committee for Adjudication will make a quantitative evaluation of the referees involved in the ruling.


(II)The China Minigolf Promotion Committee may adopt a secret ballot to solicit the opinions of each participating unit on the ruling made by the chief referee and make a quantitative evaluation.


Term 8. Release the Records of Adjudication Work from Referees.


The China Minigolf Promotion Committee shall establish a registration information system for referees above level 1 and announce the following to each participating unit and registered referees:


(I)The names and technical levels of all referees and their registration units;


(II)Records of referees participating in competition training at the corresponding level and execution of referees;


(III)Referee's overall record of evaluation and punishment by the China Minigolf Promotion Committee;


(IV)The overall evaluation of the referees by the participating units.



Term 9 Assessment of Chief Referees and Regular Referees by the Standing Committee for Adjudication


Based on the annual chief referees and regular referees' records and the evaluations of both by the relevant parties. The work of the chief referees and regular referees is comprehensively evaluated by China Minigolf Promotion Committee, and the results of the assessment are Classified as excellent, qualified, basic-qualified, unqualified, etc., and recorded in registration information system, which is also made public and used as important reference on referee’s assessment and selection.


Term 10. The punishment classification of chief referees and regular referees who violate the rules and regulations, and the punishment of both can be divided into: warning, cancellation of referee ruling qualifications for several sessions, cancellation of referee ruling qualifications for 1-2 years, reducing referee technical level qualifications, suspension of referee technical level qualifications, lifelong barred referee ruling qualifications.


Term 11. Procedures for punishment of chief referees and regular referees who violate regulations and disciplines


(I)The warnings on referees shall be raised by the chief referee or deputy referee, and submitted to the Standing Committee for Adjudication for decision.

(II)The penalty of canceling the referee's ruling qualification shall be proposed jointly by the chief and deputy referee and the competition arbitration committee of the competition, and approved by the the Standing Committee for Adjudication and reported to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval;


(III)The Penalty of canceling referee ruling qualifications for 1-2 years, lowering technical level qualifications, suspending technical level qualifications, and lifelong suspension of referee ruling qualifications, shall be proposed by the Standing Committee for Adjudication and submitted to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval at the same time, and notifying the referees’ qualification issued unit for relevant procedures.


(IV)If the referee who violates the rules or discipline is punished with cancellation of the referee's qualifications several times or more, the China Minigolf Promotion Committee must notify the referees in advance of the right to appeal on related matters.


Term 12. Penalty conditions for referees who violate regulations and disciplines:


(I)Warning: those who do not abide by the rules of the competition area during their work in the competition area; those who have been caught by the Standing Committee for Adjudication or the Arbitration Commission to have overtly missed or misjudged will receive immediate discipline.


(II)Cancellation of referee rulings on several occasions: those who have showed bad behaviors such as alcohol abuse in the competition area; anyone who has been warned twice in peer competitions.


(III)Cancellation of the referee's ruling qualification for 1-2 years: if it is determined by the Standing Committee for Adjudication or arbitration committee that there have been obvious misjudgments, omissions, and other serious work errors in the ruling, causing adverse social impact.


(IV) Reduction of qualification of technical level: if it has been determined by the Standing Committee for Adjudication or the Arbitration Commission that there have been significant mistakes such as significant negative judgments, misjudgments or omissions, which have caused a large adverse social impact.


(V)Revocation of technical level qualifications: after the Standing Committee for Adjudication or the Arbitration Commission has determined that there have been significant errors such as abnormal counter-judgment, misjudgment, or omission of judgment, the game field is seriously out of control, causing bad social impact.


(VI)Lifetime injunction referee ruling qualifications: inspection and supervision departments or judicial branches have verified illegal activities such as participating in fake matches, black-box transactions, manipulating matches, and receiving bribes.


Term 13. Penalty for in violation of rules and regulations on referee selection


(I)The China Minigolf Promotion Committee will conduct criticism and education on relevant departments and personnel who violate the requirements of these Measures on selection of referees, make corrections within a time limit, and may adjust or relocate relevant staff members from their current positions. If suspected of illegal operations such as black-box operations, manipulation of competitions, trading of power and money, acceptance of bribes, etc., they shall be transferred to the disciplinary inspection and supervision department and judicial branches for review and processing. If verified, the China Minigolf Promotion Committee will announce the consequence.


(II)If competition referees, technical representatives, chief (deputy) referees, sports committees and technical committees, who are authorized to supervise referees to conduct on-the-spot judgments, fail to perform their duties, and referees who violate regulations and disciplines or referees who fail to make the corresponding correction in a timely manner and fail to put forward a correction opinion in a timely manner, must make a written explanation and inspection, and receive corresponding consequence and punishment.


Term 14. China Minigolf Promotion Committee will open channels for complaints and reports, clarify the procedures for complaints and reports, provide contact methods, and promptly accept relevant complaints and reports. In strict accordance with the document of “notice on no acceptance of cash, vouchers or securities given by any relevant individual or unit [Dang Ti Zi (2014) No. 62 ]”, regulated by the PRC group from General Administration of Sports,China. China Minigolf Promotion Committee will investigate and deal with any related matters.


Term 15 The Standing Committee for Adjudication shall report the implementation rules for the management of the referee selection and supervision to the superior for review and promulgation. Under the supervision of a team composed of the Department of Competitive Sports, the Personnel Department, and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department established by the General Administration of Sports,China.